2-for-1 (BOGO) Tsunami Steakhouse and Sushi Bar in HB

Tsunami Steakhouse and Sushi Bar in Huntington Beach makes it affordable with the following dinner specials on weeknights:
Tightwad Tuesday: $13-18 Teppan specials (Regularly $19-23), $3 Coors Light, 1/2 Off Sushi Rolls.
Flatbroke Wednesday: 2-for-1 (BOGO) Dining & Teppan.
Regular entrees are normally $16-28, so it's a great deal at half-off, $8-16 per person! Parking is free here, but the lot is small. Thankfully, this restaurant offers free valet parking (a tip is always appreciated). It's first come, first serve (no reservations), so come earlier to check in and then enjoy the sunset (around 7:30 pm) at the beach right across the street from the restaurant.
Click here for more information. Thanks 365CheapDates for the headsup